Magic Realm Parts Shoppe



Last Updated: 7/26/24

Key to the Parts List

Below you will find a list of every part in the game, and an inventory of the parts I have available.
An example listing is shown below:

T Trolls (2): 8 (all with misprinted back; see Counter Errata #1)

- The part name and number are listed in bold blue font. The number in parentheses indicates how many of that part there should be in a complete set. In the example above, this means that you should have 2 T Trolls in your set. It does NOT mean that I have two counters available. In some categories where there is only one of each part, it will say "(1 of each)" in the header instead of next to each part.
- The number of that part I have available is listed in green font. I will always give you the best quality that I have, unless you specify that your set is old and worn OR if you want the color to match your set (colors varied significantly between different printings and editions). I will let you know before I send the parts what condition they're in.
- Any explanatory comments follow the listing in blue text in parentheses. These may be notations on the exact condition of the parts, or references to counter errata. Many counters in Magic Realm had misprints, sometimes in all the sets, sometimes in only some printings. All the known counter errata have been compiled and are listed on the
Counter Errata page.

Parts List Index

Click on a category below to quickly navigate to that part of the list:

Monsters, Heads, and Clubs
Dwellings, Natives, and Native Horses
Character Cards, Counters, and Chits
Round Horses
Spell Cards
Treasure Cards
Site, Sound, and Warning Chits
Visitor/Mission Chits
Weather, Number, Day/Turn, and Monster Roll Chits
Board Tiles
Rulebooks, Setup Cards, and Personal History Pads

Magic Realm Parts List

Monsters, Heads, and Clubs (back to Index)

    Tremendous Monsters (1-in square counters + 3/4-in square Dragon Heads and Giant Clubs)
    Please note, many T monsters had misprinted backs and often have paper replacements glued on.
    Counter Errata #1.
    Demon (1):
    Giants (2): 11
    Giant Clubs (2):
    Octopus (1): 5 (with missing speed on back, see Counter Errata #2)
    T Dragons (2): 19
    T Dragon Heads (2): 14
    T Flying Dragon (1): 1 (with mis-printed front)
    T Flying Dragon Head (1):
    T Serpent (1): 10
    T Spider (1): 3 (1 with worn glued-on paper back, 2 with worn glued-on paper front)
    T Trolls (2): 
    6 (1 with mis-printed back, 2 with glued-on paper front, 1 with taped-on paper back)
    Winged Demon (1):

    Heavy Monsters (7/8-in square counters)
    Giant Bats (6):
    H Dragon (1): 10
    H Flying Dragons (2):
    H Serpents (2): 16
    H Spiders (3): 27
    H Trolls (2): 16

    Medium Monsters (3/4-in square counters)
    Ghosts (2): 
    Goblins with Axes (6): 31
    Goblins with Great Swords (6): 35
    Goblins with Spears (6): 44
    Imp (1): 4 (see Counter Errata #3)
    Ogres (2):
    Vipers (2): 15
    Wolves L4,3/M4,4 (3): 24
    Wolves M5,3/L3,4 (3): 28

Dwellings, Natives, and Native Horses (back to Index)

Dwellings - 1-in brown square counters
Natives - 3/4-in square counters
Native Horses - 7/8-in square counters

    Chapel (1): 
    Guardhouse (1): 1
    House (1): 2
    Inn (1): 2
    Large Campfire (1): OUT OF STOCK
    Small Campfire (1): OUT OF STOCK

    Bashkars (1 of each)
    Bashkar HQ:
    BHQ Horse: 7
    Bashkar 1: 11
    B1 Horse: 11
    Bashkar 2: 7
    B2 Horse: 10
    Bashkar 3: 10
    B3 Horse: 5(see Counter Errata #5)
    Bashkar 4:
    B4 Horse: 10 (see Counter Errata #5)
    Bashkar 5:
    B5 Horse: 6 (see Counter Errata #5)

    Company (1 of each)
    Company HQ:
    Company 1: 6
    Company 2: 10
    Company 3: 7
    Company 4: 11
    Company 5: 13
    Company 6: 13

    Guard (1 of each)
    Guard HQ:
    Guard 1: 10
    Guard 2: 10

    Lancers (1 of each)
    Lancer HQ:
    LHQ Horse: 9
    Lancer 1: 8
    L1 Horse: 11
    Lancer 2: 10
    L2 Horse: 8
    Lancer 3: 9
    L3 Horse: 8

    Order (1 of each)
    Order HQ:
    OHQ Horse:
    Order 1: 14
    O1 Horse: 11
    Order 2: 15
    O2 Horse: 10
    Order 3: 16
    O3 Horse: 9

    Patrol (1 of each)
    Patrol HQ:
    PHQ Horse: 7
    Patrol 1: 5
    P1 Horse: 5
    Patrol 2: 6
    P2 Horse: 9

    Rogues (1 of each)
    Rogue HQ: 
    Rogue 1: 9 (see Counter Errata #4)
    Rogue 2:
    9 (see Counter Errata #4)
    Rogue 3:
    Rogue 4: 11
    Rogue 5: 13
    Rogue 6: 12
    Rogue 7: 13

    Soldiers (1 of each)
    Soldier HQ:
    Soldier 1: 10
    Soldier 2: 7
    Soldier 3: 9

    Woodfolk (1 of each)
    Woodfolk HQ:
    Woodfolk 1: 7
    Woodfolk 2: 10

Character Cards, Counters, and Chits (back to Index)

Character Cards (5.5 x 3.5-in rectangular cards)
Counter Errata #8 for an ordering error that affects the Amazon, Black Knight, Captain, Dwarf, Magician, Sorceror, Swordsman, White Knight, Witch, Witch-King, and Wizard cards.

    Amazon (1): 2
    Berserker (1): 1
    Black Knight (1): OUT OF STOCK
    Captain (1): 2
    Druid (1): 4
    Dwarf (1): OUT OF STOCK
    Elf (1): 2
    Magician (1): 1 (see Counter Errata #6)
    Pilgrim (1):
    Sorceror (1): 4
    Swordsman (1): 2
    White Knight (1): OUT OF STOCK (see Counter Errata #9)
    Witch (1):
    Witch-King (1): 2
    Wizard (1): 2
    Woods-Girl (1): 3

Character Counters (3/4-in round counters)

    Amazon (1): 5
    Berserker (1): 8
    Black Knight (1): 5
    Captain (1): 4
    Druid (1): 8
    Dwarf (1): 7
    Elf (1): 6
    Magician (1): 6
    Pilgrim (1): 8
    Sorceror (1): 4
    Swordsman (1): 3
    White Knight (1): 4
    Witch (1):
    Witch-King (1): 1
    Wizard (1): 7
    Woods-Girl (1): 4

Character Combat Chits (1/2-in square chits)
Note: In this section, "GD" chits are usually only slightly played and a bit less bright on the back side than "EX" chits. The "GD" chits would be more typical of an older, well-cared for first edition set, and the "EX" chits a more recent second edition set. "Attention chits" are chits with the character symbol on the back side and blank on the front.

    Attention Chit (1):
    Fight H4** (1):
    Fight L4 (1): 10
    Fight M3** (2): 21
    Fight M4* (2): 19
    Fight M5 (1): 12
    Move M3* (3): 34
    Move M4 (2): 17

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Berserk T4** (1): 
    Fight H4* (1): 10
    Fight H5 (1):  7
    Fight T4** (2):  16
    Fight T5* (1): 3
    Fight T6* (1): 9
    Move H4** (2): 18
    Move H5* (1):  11
    Move H6 (1): 6
    Move T6* (1):  9

    Black Knight
    Attention Chit (1):
    Fight H4** (1):  9
    Fight H5* (1): 9
    Fight H6 (1):  8
    Fight M3** (1):  8
    Fight M4* (2): 13
    Fight M5 (1):  8
    Move H4** (1): 7
    Move H5* (1):  9
    Move H6 (1): 6
    Move M4* (1):  13
    Move M5 (1): 5

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight H5* (2):
    Fight H6 (1):  6
    Fight M3** (1):  2
    Fight M4* (2): 9
    Fight M5 (1): 1
    Move M3** (1): 1
    Move M4* (3):  17
    Move M5 (1): 4

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L2** (1): 
    Fight L3* (1): 8
    Fight L4 (1):  12
    Magic II2** (1): 11
    Magic II3* (2):  20
    Magic VIII2** (1): 12
    Magic VIII3* (1):  13
    Magic VIII4* (1):  7
    Move L2** (1): 11
    Move L3* (1):  9
    Move L4 (1): 7

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Duck T3* (1): 
    Fight H4** (2):  17
    Fight H5* (1): 13
    Fight H6 (1): 
    Fight T5** (2):  17
    Fight T6* (1): 11
    Move H5* (1):  11
    Move H6 (1): 10
    Move T5** (1): 11
    Move T6* (1):  6

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L3* (1):
    Fight M3* (1): 11
    Fight M4 (1):  11
    Magic III2* (1): 12
    Magic III3* (2): 21
    Magic III4* (1): 5
    Magic VII3* (1): 15
    Magic VII4* (1): 7
    Move L2* (1):  6
    Move L3* (1):  9
    Move M4 (1): 11

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L3* (1):
    Fight L4 (1):  8
    Magic II3* (1):  9
    Magic III3* (1): 7
    Magic IV3* (1):  10
    Magic V4** (1):  7
    Magic VI4* (1):  11
    Magic VII4** (1): 3(see Counter Errata #7)
    Magic VIII4* (1): 
    Move L3* (1):  8
    Move L4 (1): 10
    Move M4* (1): 8

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight H4* (1): 
    Fight M2** (1):  12
    Fight M3* (2): 23
    Fight M4 (1):  10
    Magic I4* (1): 12
    Magic I6* (1): 12
    Magic VII3* (1): 6
    Move H5* (1):  16
    Move H6 (1): 13
    Move M4* (1):  14
    Move M5 (1): 10

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L3* (1):
    Magic IV3* (2):  17
    Magic IV4* (3):  42
    Magic IV5* (1):  11
    Magic VI4* (1):  10
    Magic VI5* (1):  12
    Magic VI6* (1):  10
    Move M4* (1):  13
    Move M5 (1): 15

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L2** (2): 
    Fight L3* (1): 10
    Fight L4 (1):  8
    Fight M3** (1):  7
    Fight M4* (1): 6
    Fight M5 (1): 7
    Move L2** (1): 5
    Move L3* (2):  17
    Move L4 (1): 7
    Move M4* (1):  7

    White Knight
    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight H4** (2): 
    Fight H5* (2): 13
    Fight H6 (1):  6
    Fight T4** (1): 6
    Fight T5* (1): 6
    Magic I5** (1):  5
    Move H4** (1): 4
    Move H5* (1):  9
    Move H6 (1): 3
    Move T6* (1):  9

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L3* (1):
    Magic II2* (1):  15
    Magic II3* (2):  17
    Magic V4* (1): 12
    Magic V5* (1): 13
    Magic V6* (1): 13
    Magic VIII2* (1):  13
    Magic VIII4* (1):  9
    Move L3* (1):  9
    Move L4 (1): 12
    Move M4* (1):  14

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Magic IV3* (2): 
    Magic IV4* (2):  27
    Magic V2* (1): 9
    Magic V3* (2): 20
    Magic V4* (1): 10
    Magic VI2* (1):  10
    Magic VI3* (2):  19
    Magic VI4* (1):  9

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L4 (1): 
    Fight M3* (1): 8
    Fight M5 (1):  8
    Magic II3* (1): 8
    Magic II4* (1):  8
    Magic III3* (1): 10
    Magic IV3* (1):  13
    Magic IV4* (1):  12
    Move M4* (1):  7
    Move M5 (3): 31

    Attention Chit (1): 
    Fight L3* (2):
    Fight L4 (2):  20
    Fight M4* (1): 10
    Fight M5 (1):  12
    Magic VII6** (1):  10
    Move L2** (2): 21
    Move L3* (2):  19
    Move L4 (1): 9

Weapons (back to Index)
Weapons - 3/4-in round white and gold counters w/red or yellow backs

    Axes (2): 15
    Bane Sword (1): 7
    Broadsword (1): 7
    Crossbow (1): 7
    Devil Sword (1): 5
    Great Axes (2): 17
    Great Sword (1): 5
    Light Bows (2): 19
    Living Sword (1): 7
    Maces (2): 13
    Medium Bow (1): 4
    Morning Star (1): 6 (see Counter Errata #15)
    Short Swords (3): 29
    Spears (4): 30
    Staffs (2): 15
    Thrusting Swords (2): 18
    Truesteel Sword (1): 7

Armor (back to Index)
Armor - 7/8-in round white and gold counters w/grey or yellow backs
Helmets, Breastplates, and Shields - 3/4-in round white and gold counters w/grey or yellow backs

    Armor H (2): 17
    Armor T (1): 9
    Breastplates (3): 17
    Breastplate, Silver (1): 4
    Helmets (6): 31
    Helmet, Gold (1): 8
    Shields (4): 23
    Shield, Jade (1): 7

Round Horses (back to Index)
Horses - 1-in round brown counters

    Ponies (1 of each)
    L3/M4: 11
    L3/M5: 6
    M2/M5: 10
    M3/M4: 7
    M3/M5: 9
    M4/M5: 7

    Warhorses (1 of each)
    H4/T7: 8
    T3/T5: 3
    T5/T7: 8

    Workhorses (1 of each)
    H6/T8: 4 (see Counter Errata #14)
    L4/L5: 9
    L4/M6: 9
    M5/M6: 10
    M5/H7: 10

Spell Cards (back to Index)
Note: In many cases, the
GD cards in this section are the same as the EX cards, but the paper is slightly yellowed. The backs and edges may be just as crisp.

    Type I (1 of each)
    Make Whole: 9
    Peace: 9
    Small Blessing: 9

    Type II (1 of each)
    Blend Into Background:
    Fog: 9
    Prophecy: 6
    Stones Fly: 8
    Talk to Wise Bird: 8
    Witch's Brew: 9

    Type III (1 of each)
    Elvin Grace:
    Faerie Lights: 5
    Illusion: 10
    Lost: 8
    Persuade: 14
    See Hidden Signs: 7

    Type IV (1 of each)
    Blazing Light:
    Elemental Spirit: 10
    Fiery Blast: 8
    Hurricane Winds: 10
    Lightning Bolt: 11
    Roof Collapses: 11
    Violent Storm: 9

    Type V (1 of each)
    Absorb Essence:
    Ask Demon: 7
    Broomstick: 9
    Curse: 7
    Pentangle: 11
    Power of the Pit: 11

    Type VI (1 of each)
    Dissolve Spell:
    Enchant Artifact: 10
    Melt into Mist: 9
    Phantasm: 10
    Transform: 12
    Unleash Power: 10
    World Fades: 7

    Type VII (1 of each)
    Control Bats:
    Peace with Nature: 11
    Premonition: 11
    Protection from Magic: 10
    Sense Danger: 12

    Type VIII (1 of each)
    Bad Luck: 
    Deal with Goblins: 11
    Guide Spider or Octopus: 11
    Poison: 12
    Remedy: 14
    Whistle for Monsters: 11

Treasure Cards (back to Index)
Note: In many cases, the GD cards in this section are the same as the EX cards, but the paper is slightly yellowed. The backs and edges may be just as crisp.

    Treasure Within Treasure Cards (1 of each) (red P + number)
    Crypt of the Knight: 10
    Enchanted Meadow: 8
    Mouldy Skeleton: 10
    Remains of Thief: 11
    Toadstool Circle: 12

    Large Treasures (1 of each) (gold dot; may also have red dot)
    Battle Bracelets: 
    Bejeweled Dwarf Vest: 10
    Belt of Strength: 5
    Blasted Jewel: 10
    Crystal Ball: 10
    Enchanter's Skull: 9
    Eye of the Idol: 9
    Eye of the Moon: 11
    Flying Carpet: 8
    Garb of Speed: 6
    Girtle of Energy: 9
    Glimmering Ring: 5
    Glowing Gem: 10
    Golden Arm Band: 11
    Golden Crown: 10
    Golden Icon: 8
    Hidden Ring: 11
    Imperial Tabard: 10
    Lucky Charm: 8
    Magic Wand: 9
    Regent of Jewels: 8 (see Counter Errata #16)
    Sacred Grail: 8
    Timeless Jewel: 8

    Small Treasures (1 of each) (no gold dot; may have red dot)
    7-League Boots:
    Alchemist's Mixture: 11
    Ancient Telescope: 9
    Beast Pipes: 10
    Black Book: 8
    Book of Lore: 7
    Cloak of Mist: 6
    Cloven Hoof: 10
    Deft Gloves: 8
    Dragon Essence: 6
    Dragonfang Necklace: 9
    Draught of Speed: 11
    Elusive Cloak: 10
    Elven Slippers:  10
    Flowers of Rest:7
    Gloves of Strength: 7
    Good Book: 4
    Gripping Dust: 9
    Handy Gloves: 9
    Lost Keys: 7
    Magic Spectacles: 6
    Map of Lost Castle: 9
    Map of Lost City: 9
    Map of Ruins: 8
    Oil of Poison: 11
    Ointment of Bite: 9
    Ointment of Steel: 7
    Penetrating Grease: 10
    Phantom Glass: 8
    Potion of Energy: 10
    Poultice of Health: 10
    Power Boots: 8
    Power Gauntlets: 10
    Quick Boots: 8
    Reflecting Grease: 9
    Royal Sceptre: 10
    Sacred Statue: 13
    Scroll of Alchemy: 7
    Scroll of Nature: 10
    Shielded Lantern: 8
    Shoes of Stealth: 10
    Toadstool Ring: 10
    Vial of Healing: 11
    Withered Claw: 11

Site, Sound, and Warning Chits (back to Index)

    Site Chits (1 of each) (gold 1/2-in square chits)
    Cairns: 9
    Hoard: 12
    Lair: 8
    Pool: 14
    Shrine: 11
    Statue: 11
    Vault: 9

    Sound Chits (1 of each) (red 1/2-in square chits)
    Flutter 1:
    Flutter 2: 6
    Howl 4: 5
    Howl 5: 9
    Lost Castle: 4
    Lost City: 5
    Patter 2: 4
    Patter 5: 7
    Roar 4: 9
    Roar 6: 6
    Slither 3: 7
    Slither 6: 2

    Warning Chits (1 of each) (yellow 1/2-in square chits)
    Bones C:
    Bones M: OUT OF STOCK
    Bones V: OUT OF STOCK
    Bones W: 1
    Dank C:  OUT OF STOCK
    Dank M:  OUT OF STOCK
    Dank V:  OUT OF STOCK
    Dank W:  1
    Ruins C: 1
    Ruins M: OUT OF STOCK
    Ruins V: 1
    Ruins W: 1
    Smoke C: 3
    Smoke M: 2
    Smoke V: 1
    Smoke W: 2
    Stink C: OUT OF STOCK
    Stink M: 2
    Stink V: 1
    Stink W: OUT OF STOCK

Visitor/Mission Chits (back to Index)
Visitor/Mission chits - 1/2-in square counters, gold on front and white on back

    Conquer/War (1): 8
    Crone/Raid (1): 14
    Revolt/Quest (1): 13
    Scholar/Pillage (1): 10
    Shaman/Escort Party (1): 13
    Warlock/Food Ale (1): 16

Weather, Number, Day/Turn, and Monster Roll Chits (back to Index)
1/2-in red (number, day/turn, monster roll) or gold (weather) square counters

    1 (1): 2
    2 (1): 4
    3 (1): 6
    4 (1): 8
    5 (1): 4
    6 (1):
    Day/Turn (1): 1
    Monster Roll (1): 10
    Clear (1): 9
    Showers (1): 6
    Special (1): 6
    Storm (1): 10

Board Tiles (back to Index)
Large hexagonal tiles

    Awful Valley (1): 2
    Bad  Valley (1): 6
    Borderland (1): 4
    Cavern (1): 2
    Caves (1): 7
    Cliff (1): 6
    Crag (1): 8
    Curst Valley (1): 7
    Dark Valley (1): 3
    Deep Woods (1): 2
    Evil Valley (1): 4
    High Pass (1): 2
    Ledges (1): 7
    Linden Woods (1): 10
    Maple Woods (1): 5
    Mountain (1): 6
    Nut Woods (1): 6
    Oak Woods (1): 4
    Pine Woods (1): 9
    Ruins (1): 3

Rulebooks, Setup Cards, and Personal History Pads (back to Index)

Box (1): I have multiple boxes I store parts in and could probably part with one in a pinch. All are in relatively poor condition.
First Edition Rules (1): 1 (GD: worn, cover has writing on it, some minor stains)
Second Edition Rules (1):
OUT OF STOCK (electronic copies can be downloaded from many of the sites on the home page)
Setup Card (1): 2 (1 EX, 1 GD electronic copies and redesigned versions are available online)
Personal History Pad (1): 
2 partial pads; OR I can send you scans of both sides for printing and photocopying; also nice original and updated versions are available for printout online
Dice (2): 1 red, 1 white (Generally, I don't stock dice, you can get them anywhere. If using your own, it helps to have one red die since that is referred to in the rules in several places.)

Parts List (1): 1 (EX, ca. 1979/1980, some darkening on left edge, slight creases in two corners)
Order Form (1): 1 (EX, ca. 1979/1980, minor creasing in two corners)

Teresa Michelsen © 2003 all rights reserved